Friday, March 6, 2020

Why Introverts Should Consider Taking a Mental Health Day - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Why Introverts Should Consider Taking a Mental Health Day - Introvert Whisperer Why Introverts Should Consider Taking a Mental Health Day Kayla Matthews November 26, 2018 Adaptability, Neuroscience No responses Go to top Being an introvert in an extroverted world can be stressful. Were expected to be consistently in contact with everyone around us, both for work and social activities, and quite frankly, it can be exhausting. One idea that has become more popular in recent years is the concept of the mental health day. What are mental health days, and why should introverted individuals consider taking one? What Is a Mental Health Day? While taking a mental health day is a relatively new concept, its no different from staying home when youre feeling under the weather. As its name suggests, a mental health day is a day you take off from work when you need to focus on your mental health. These recently made the news when a woman sent an email to her companys CEO letting them know she was taking a couple of sick days to take care of her mental health. The CEO responded, thanking her for helping reduce the negative stigma surrounding mental health care. Why Should You Take a Mental Health Day? If you identify as introverted â€" as someone who feels exhausted by social or professional interaction and regains their energy by spending time in solitude â€" why should you consider taking a mental health day or two? Studies have shown introverts are more likely to experience depression symptoms than extroverts. While depression can affect anyone, individuals who identify as introverted are often more sensitive, experience more social anxiety and internalize an inferiority complex. These things alone hurt the psyche, but together they can result in full-blown depression. Most mental health services dont deal well with introverts, so if you find yourself staying in an inpatient facility, you may not have any time for privacy and quiet. This is inherently detrimental for introverts, who recharge and heal best when others leave them alone. As an introvert, you may have a smaller core circle of friends than extroverts do. These are specially chosen individuals who dont drain you with their presence, but it also means you might not have someone you can call on short notice if youre having a mental health crisis. Introverts also spend more time alone than with others, so they might not have someone there who can tell them when theyre acting strangely or out of character. Taking a mental health day gives you the opportunity to step back and assess your mental health, and take steps to fix it if it needs fixing, without work stress weighing down on you. Cutting Through the Stigma Popular media regularly portrays mental health and mental illness in a negative light. In addition to influencing the public perception of mental health, this negative stigma discourages individuals from seeking out professional help when they need it. The only way were going to cut through this stigma is to talk about it. Bring it, kicking and screaming if need be, into the daylight. Not talking about mental illness doesnt make it go away â€" it merely means those with the conditions continue to suffer in the shadows. Saying youre taking a mental health day is a great way to get the conversation started. What If You Cant Take a Day Off? If you work for a company that doesnt support mental health days, what can do you if you feel yourself getting overwhelmed in the office? Meditate â€" Spending five minutes meditating can help balance your stress levels and give you a safe space where you can relax and let your stress bleed away. Put in your headphones and follow a guided meditation until you feel less stressed. Organize â€" If you have your own office or desk, spend a few minutes and focus on organizing your space. Chaos and clutter negatively impact your mental health. Learn your limits â€" Take time to learn your limits. Knowing where your boundaries are will keep you from going past them and exhausting yourself to please others. Say no â€" Saying no isnt selfish. It is the epitome of self-care. Dont say yes just because you think it will keep your co-workers happy. You dont have to agree to everything. There is nothing wrong with being an introvert â€" unless you dont take time to take care of yourself. If youre getting overwhelmed or stressed out, take a mental health day and take care of yourself. Youll be surprised how much better you feel afterward, and how much more productive youll be when you get back into the office. Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?  Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable. Get your copy now and start your action plan today! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

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