Thursday, April 2, 2020

Online College Algebra Help

Online College Algebra HelpIf you are a first-time college student, you are probably looking for online college algebra help. This kind of help is provided through online websites that offer a wide range of educational tools. The site will provide you with homework help, calculators, assessment and testing help, homework help, and more.There are many advantages to receiving online college algebra help. You may be having trouble completing algebra homework and can also have difficulty keeping up with other courses. For instance, if you're taking an English composition course, you may find it difficult to understand some of the technical words and terms used in class. For this reason, you can use online help when you need it most.Online algebra help is not always offered as a part of your classes. Many students find this convenience important, especially those who attend an online college and have not yet taken algebra. If you need help in calculus, you should check to see if algebra i s available through an online math program. This may include online algebra or simple algebra.Online college students often receive lots of help from their professors. This type of faculty support can be invaluable in getting you through your courses and will give you guidance on future courses as well. When you are beginning your college career, your teachers will give you the tools and resources to succeed and you can use these same resources to further your education.When you are looking for online college algebra help, there are many resources available to you. You can get help through your textbook, from the faculty, or through online algebra programs. Each school will have their own method for using online math programs.There are many different types of programs available to you when you are working on your math assignments. Some of these programs are written by experts in their field. For this reason, you will be able to use their advice and begin your education at a much hig her level than you might have been able to previously.Many students find themselves in trouble because they do not have the knowledge or the mathematical background needed to correctly work with the math department at their college. With the help of online math programs, they can take their college algebra, pre-calculus, or other math classes with confidence. The ability to complete basic math problems and use online calculator help can greatly increase the skill sets of those who participate in their program.If you need help with your college algebra and need help with all of your courses, consider online college math help. This is a great way to complete your coursework without having to travel to a campus to attend class. You will have access to math resources from any location where you have access to the internet. These resources will also help your learning and help you complete your courses with confidence.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Learn How to Sing in Mandarin - Singapore!

Learn How to Sing in Mandarin - Singapore!Being an experienced singer in Singapore, you have probably tried to learn the art of singing in Chinese tutor Singapore, but were unsuccessful. You thought that by means of Chinese tutor Singapore that you can also learn how to sing in Mandarin.As it is usually the case, there are still many people who are undecided as to whether to learn to sing in Mandarin or singing in Chinese tutor Singapore. You have to understand that learning how to sing in Mandarin is a great learning opportunity for most students because it makes learning the language fun.In addition, learning how to sing in Mandarin has advantages over the singing style of Singapore. Singing in Singapore is not really fun, unless of course, you like to sing live on stage and sing through your heart. It is fun, however, to sing in Mandarin.To learn how to sing in Mandarin, you need to make use of the most convenient resource, the Internet. You should definitely use the websites of t he Chinese Mandarin Association of Singapore (CMAS) and Learning to Sing the Mandarin Language which is maintained by the Society for Teaching Students of Mandarin Language and other professional organizations in the language.You can study the lessons and methods of teaching Chinese in Singapore on the website of the Chinese Society of Singapore (which is affiliated with the CMAS). However, you need to register yourself in the CMAS in order to avail of the special features of the website.If you want to learn how to sing in Mandarin in Singapore, you have to find someone who has already accomplished the task of learning the language. You have to trust only the words and sounds of the language and avoid the style and the pronunciation, so that you do not lose any vital information.After finding a person who already learned the language in Singapore, you will have to learn from him/her. When learning the language in Singapore, you will have to put your own imagination into practice. On the contrary, if you learn the language in Chinese tutor Singapore, you will have to memorize the sounds and the words.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Why Introverts Should Consider Taking a Mental Health Day - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Why Introverts Should Consider Taking a Mental Health Day - Introvert Whisperer Why Introverts Should Consider Taking a Mental Health Day Kayla Matthews November 26, 2018 Adaptability, Neuroscience No responses Go to top Being an introvert in an extroverted world can be stressful. Were expected to be consistently in contact with everyone around us, both for work and social activities, and quite frankly, it can be exhausting. One idea that has become more popular in recent years is the concept of the mental health day. What are mental health days, and why should introverted individuals consider taking one? What Is a Mental Health Day? While taking a mental health day is a relatively new concept, its no different from staying home when youre feeling under the weather. As its name suggests, a mental health day is a day you take off from work when you need to focus on your mental health. These recently made the news when a woman sent an email to her companys CEO letting them know she was taking a couple of sick days to take care of her mental health. The CEO responded, thanking her for helping reduce the negative stigma surrounding mental health care. Why Should You Take a Mental Health Day? If you identify as introverted â€" as someone who feels exhausted by social or professional interaction and regains their energy by spending time in solitude â€" why should you consider taking a mental health day or two? Studies have shown introverts are more likely to experience depression symptoms than extroverts. While depression can affect anyone, individuals who identify as introverted are often more sensitive, experience more social anxiety and internalize an inferiority complex. These things alone hurt the psyche, but together they can result in full-blown depression. Most mental health services dont deal well with introverts, so if you find yourself staying in an inpatient facility, you may not have any time for privacy and quiet. This is inherently detrimental for introverts, who recharge and heal best when others leave them alone. As an introvert, you may have a smaller core circle of friends than extroverts do. These are specially chosen individuals who dont drain you with their presence, but it also means you might not have someone you can call on short notice if youre having a mental health crisis. Introverts also spend more time alone than with others, so they might not have someone there who can tell them when theyre acting strangely or out of character. Taking a mental health day gives you the opportunity to step back and assess your mental health, and take steps to fix it if it needs fixing, without work stress weighing down on you. Cutting Through the Stigma Popular media regularly portrays mental health and mental illness in a negative light. In addition to influencing the public perception of mental health, this negative stigma discourages individuals from seeking out professional help when they need it. The only way were going to cut through this stigma is to talk about it. Bring it, kicking and screaming if need be, into the daylight. Not talking about mental illness doesnt make it go away â€" it merely means those with the conditions continue to suffer in the shadows. Saying youre taking a mental health day is a great way to get the conversation started. What If You Cant Take a Day Off? If you work for a company that doesnt support mental health days, what can do you if you feel yourself getting overwhelmed in the office? Meditate â€" Spending five minutes meditating can help balance your stress levels and give you a safe space where you can relax and let your stress bleed away. Put in your headphones and follow a guided meditation until you feel less stressed. Organize â€" If you have your own office or desk, spend a few minutes and focus on organizing your space. Chaos and clutter negatively impact your mental health. Learn your limits â€" Take time to learn your limits. Knowing where your boundaries are will keep you from going past them and exhausting yourself to please others. Say no â€" Saying no isnt selfish. It is the epitome of self-care. Dont say yes just because you think it will keep your co-workers happy. You dont have to agree to everything. There is nothing wrong with being an introvert â€" unless you dont take time to take care of yourself. If youre getting overwhelmed or stressed out, take a mental health day and take care of yourself. Youll be surprised how much better you feel afterward, and how much more productive youll be when you get back into the office. Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?  Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable. Get your copy now and start your action plan today! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

Thursday, March 5, 2020

A Student Review of the University of Missouri-Columbia

A Student Review of the University of Missouri-Columbia The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Miranda received her bachelors degrees in journalism, Spanish, and international studies, a minor in German, and her masters degree in journalism from the University of Missouri-Columbia. She is currently a Washington D.C. tutor specializing in Spanish, German, and writing, among several other subjects. See what she had to say about her experience at the University of Missouri-Columbia: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Miranda: The large campus is set adjacent to the main downtown Columbia business area, and both are easy to navigate on foot or by bike. The campus is set up to provide students with all or almost all of their basic needs, as it has dining halls and stores as well as accommodation and job opportunities all on site. In addition, the downtown area has many fun events, restaurants, and small shops. The core area now even contains a full-size grocery store Luckys and a miniature Walmart, where students can find a variety of useful items. However, students who wish to travel beyond this core area for example, to visit big-box stores or hold an off-campus job will probably need to have a car. Most students do have cars, even if they dont use them daily, and some majors almost require it. Columbia is a reasonably safe place, and I always felt comfortable moving around alone, even at night. However, robberies and sexual assaults do happen. I found it useful to subscribe to police and campus alerts and to not waste time when I was moving around alone at night, especially in parking garages and similarly secluded places. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Miranda:Very available. I never had trouble getting in touch for extra help or advice. How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Miranda:The dorm life was wonderful, and I made many friends in the dorms. My only complaint is that the dining plan is a bit draconian everyone living in the dorms is required to have a minimum 11-meal per week plan, which was annoying to me as I liked to cook, go out to restaurants with friends, and usually just ate cereal in my room for breakfast. I had some wasted meals, even on the smallest plan. The dining halls offer good quality and variety, but are also overcrowded and not as well set up for students just wanting to grab a quick meal on their own. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Miranda:Mizzou is an enormous school that offers a dizzying array of majors and programs. Journalism is very well represented and supported to the point where it sometimes felt like a separate and fully functioning school on its own. I also studied Spanish, German, and anthropology, and while those schools were not as large or wealthy, I had no complaints. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Miranda:Greek life plays a significant role for some students, but exists fairly separately. As a non-Greek student, I didnt feel discriminated against or left out. However, some dorms feed heavily into Greek life, so students should consider picking their dorm according to their Greek aspirations (or lack thereof). I thought it was very easy to meet people and make friends as a freshman. Its helpful to pick a dorm that shares your values and interests, but also to keep an open mind about all the different ways you can meet people on campus and in the wider community. How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services? Miranda:The Career Center offers tutoring services, resume review, and mock interviews. I thought it was a strong resource, especially for students whose own academic programs are not large enough to offer those services independently. How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Miranda:Sometimes computers can become scarce at peak times, as can prime study spots on the main floors of the student unions. One problem is that these areas are often set up to hold small groups of students, and at busy times these spots are often taken up by a single student, rendering four seats more or less taken. However, if you know the areas well, you can always find a nice and private spot somewhere, often in a side room or in the upper stories of the libraries and unions. Describe the surrounding town. Miranda:Columbia is a lovely town and most students (coming from small towns, suburbs, and rural areas) are delighted by the variety of fun, outside establishments and activities, though some students coming from very active urban environments are disappointed. The downtown area is hip and fun, and very often frequented by students. The area beyond is often ignored by students, for better or for worse. It has some nice spots that tend to be secret town gems, as well as some great parks, but its more of a typical, small Midwestern town with Walmarts, big box stores, and chain restaurants dominating. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Miranda:The student body is enormous, but shrinks as it gets subdivided into the many different academic programs and majors. Many general education classes and even some major-required courses are taught in huge lecture halls, but as you continue through your program, smaller, intimate classes offering lots of interaction with classmates and professors will predominate. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Miranda:I nearly missed out on the opportunity to take a class with Jacqui Banaszynski, one of the most highly regarded journalism professors at the Missouri School of Journalism. My final semester, I enrolled in one of her single credit classes, with a focus on interviewing skills. It was one of the densest and most magical courses I have ever taken. We were spellbound each moment of each class period, and the assignments really pushed us out of our comfort zones. I still think of that class regularly, almost every time I conduct an interview. Check out Mirandas tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Can You Name the 10 Best French Films

Can You Name the 10 Best French Films Do You Know The Names of France's 10 Best Films? ChaptersThe French New WaveThe Post-New Wave EraFrench Movies in the 1990sFrench Movies of the New MillenniumWhat This Decade has to OfferWhat makes a film good? Is it the acting? The action? Maybe the lead character is portrayed by your favourite star, and no matter what s/he plays in, it's bound to be good!Perhaps a good movie is best defined as one that sucks its audience in, holds them in a thrall and releases them, with a great whoosh of emotion, some two hours later.The average movie critic tends to dissect each film s/he reviews by its technical as well as artistic elements.We, the audience, prefer turning our untrained eyes to the silver screen â€" not to rate and judge but absorb the story and, hopefully, identify with the protagonist or the idea s/he espouses, don't we?Having just established the idea that defining  anything as best is a matter of   personal preference, let us advance these ten titles, in the hopes that you agree with our assessment: that they are a perfect expression of French cinema at its best.No need to fret over the rumour that cinema goers in France are turning their backs on French film; the industry is as prolific as ever, turning out some 300 titles each year!We'll discuss some from each era.Anna Karina, of the New Wave generation of stars, bitterly regretted turning down a role in Breathless Source: Wikipedia Credit: Joost Eversevolution of society at that time.A few titles from that era include:BreathlessHiroshima mon AmourVivre sa vieJules et Jim400 BlowsLa Grande VadrouilleYou may discover an expanded list of titles and learn more about how the French Nouvelle Vague â€" New Wave impacted the art of filmmaking.The Post-New Wave EraFrom the late 1960s until the early 1980s, French film makers continued to experiment with cinema verité, incorporating elements of Noir and amour â€" in the sense of romance, to turn out cinematic marvels.The film Diva, released in 1981, was instrumental in the French film industry turning away from the realism that had gripped it for over a decade, and brought about a return to lightheartedness.Directors Luc Besson and Leo Carax came into their own at that time, offering up such treasures as The Big Blue and Lovers on the Bridge.Daniel Auteuil came into prominence at this time for his role in Jean de Florettes, which he reprised in the sequel Manon des Sources.His co stars Yves Montand and Emmanuelle Béart were already quite well-known at that time; it is a testament to Mr. Auteil's acting ability to share equal billing with such luminaries.Incidentally: Mr. Auteuil enjoyed a brief marriage to the eternally beautiful Emmanuelle!Elsewhere during this period, film making in France took slightly different directions.Animated stories were coming into vogue, thanks to The Angel.“The masks erase all human personality in the characters” - film critic Raphael BassanThis pivot, away from stark reality, exaggerated expressions and overt emotion, put the story ahead of the per formers' ability to inject themselves into their character.It also gave the director total, autonomous control to realise his vision, and ultimately became one of the most discussed submissions at Cannes in 1982.NOTE: The Palme D'or winner that year was jointly awarded to Missing and Yol â€" neither one a French language film, but exquisite pictures nonetheless.The Cannes judges have traditionally been very stingy in awarding French films the Golden Palm Source: Wikipedia Credit: Karel LeermansElsewhere in the decade, film makers hastened to not lose the momentum that animated film generated at Cannes with The Angel.Michel Ocelot kept that particular fire stoked with Kirikou and the Sorceress, a full length animated film.Other important movies of the decade include Nikita, and The Fifth Element which, besides launching the career of one Milla Jovovich, maintains the dubious distinction of having polarised film critics.Love it or hate it, it was considered a box office success at the time â€" it earned back nearly three times its production budget!, and is still a cult favourite today.Sadly, Claude Sautet would make his last film in this decade: A Heart in Winter is considered to be the defining film of his career; a genuine masterpiece.We wonder what he could have done with digital cinema technology...French Movies of the New MillenniumThe obvious kickoff for outstanding French films of this new era must be Amelie, starring the irrepressible, fresh-faced Audrey Tautou as its eponymous character.While Hollywood seems to have a formula for their Rom-Com â€" romantic comedy genre, Amelie goes much deeper than the attraction-rejection-inevitable conclusion matrix by exploring the lead character's isolation, fostered on her by her unusual upbringing.This gem of a story, and the darling Audrey who brings it to life is, by some accounts, France's best known film.Eight years later, another star captured the international film-going community by her performance in La V ie en Rose.Marion Cotillard's true to life portrayal of chanteuse Edith Piaf's tragic life and premature death surely must stand at the top of any music aficionado's â€" and film fan's collection of must see movies.Oddly enough, while Cannes is located in one of the most fabled regions of Mediterranean France, on the Riviera, The Film Festival academy had been very stingy in bestowing its highest honour on films originating in her own country.Perhaps that could be a testament to those judges being completely unbiased in seeking the epitome of quality film making.That changed in this era of French film, with eye-opening entries such as Entre les Murs â€" which won the coveted Palme D'or in 2008, and the unforgettable performance of Isabelle Huppert in The Piano Teacher, in 2001.The only French film to rival James Cameron's Titanic, as far as audience size and box office return goes, is the comedy Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis.This farce was unintentionally overlooked on the international stage due to several action thrillers, directed by French visionaries, with all-star casts from several different nations.Some of those titles include:RidersCatwomanAssault on Precinct 13Silent HillMirrorsthe Transporter trilogyDid you know that up to 40% of movies made in France today are headed by first-time directors?Which French movie would you have nominated as best for this decade? Source: Pixabay Credit: SteinchenWhat This Decade has to OfferLooking at French cinema today, we see a unique blending of so-called arthouse films; what Americans would consider Indie, and deliberately commercial products â€" illustrated by the emphasis on action and animation films.Would you consider Untouchable of the former or latter category?This 2011 tragi-comedy release, while not quite a record breaker, was a huge box office draw as well as a critical success, telling the story of a paraplegic and his carer.That doesn't sound very awe-inspiring, does it?When you throw a bit of action in, a b it of drama and a few laughs, you get a blended story that, remarkably, resembles real life.Quite possibly, that is the very aspect of this film that is the draw.What else from this millennium  would be worth watching?That question takes us back to our opening gambit: what constitutes a great film?Do you like to watch Jean Dujardin, or do you enjoy stories by Claire Denis more?Would something like Auberge Espagnole grip you? How about Blue is the Warmest Color?We can find out what the general consensus is, but out of all of these great titles over 60 years of French filmmaking, the table below reflects our selection of best French movies.EraTitleStarringNew WaveHiroshima my LoveEmmanuelle Riva Eiji OkadaNew WaveLa Grande VadrouilleBourvil Louis de FunesNew WaveLes 400 CoupsJean-Pierre Leaud Albert RemyPost New WaveJean de FlorettesYves Montand Gerard Depardieu1990sCyrano de BergeracGerard Depardieu Anne Brochet1990sLa Cite des Enfants PerdusRon Pearlman Judith Vittet2000sLe Fabuleu x Destin d'Amelie PoulainAudrey Tautou Matthieu Kassovitz2000sLa Vie en RoseMarion Cotillard Gerard Depardieu2010sIntouchablesFrançois Cluzet Omar Sy2010sLa Vie d'Adele - Chapitres 12Léa Seydoux Adèle ExarchopoulosIf you like this article, why not check out our post on France's love for cinema?If  you want to find a tutor, searching for French course London  produces the most face to face results on Superprof.

What Are Good SAT Scores Online SAT Prep Online Tutoring Tutorpace

What Are Good SAT Scores Online SAT Prep Online Tutoring Tutorpace For 2013 SAT test, the national average score is 1500. However, some colleges have set 1800 a good score to get in to a top college.The higher your SAT score, the more options you have available. SAT test is the standardized test taken by high school students to continue further education in their desired colleges and universities in the United States. SAT is a very popular test and many colleges expect these scores along with the students admission application. The main purpose of the SAT test is to showcase the academic knowledge gained by the students until high school so that they are ready to continue their academics at college level. SAT exam consists of questions ranging from easy level to medium to difficult level and often students are worried about the test preparation so that they score well. Since SAT examines the logical and conceptual knowledge, therefore students must first learn and improve their basic knowledge on the respective subject so that they can handle the tricky questions as well. To increase SAT scores, students should keep track of the time as time is a big constraint during the exam. Students are given very limited time to answer questions from each section. Hence it is recommended for students to practice at home so that they have an idea about managing time while answering questions. It is better to answer easy questions first and then difficult questions so that they have enough time to try the difficult ones. Multiple choice questions in SAT have negative penalty for wrong answers and hence to get a good score, students should not take the risk of guessing unknown answers. This simply deducts points from the already existing score.

Online Simplifying Ratios Tutors

Online Simplifying Ratios Tutors Ratio is the quantitative comparison between quantitates or numbers. Ratio is a very commonly used operation in mathematics. Ratio helps in solving questions related to comparisons, proportions and many more. The symbol of ratio is :. For example, a / b can be written as a : b. Here a / b is fraction form and a:b is the ratio form. The simplification of ratio is writing the given ratio in the most simplified from possible. Example 1: Are the ratios equivalent? 25 students taking Science class and 75 students taking English class. 15 students taking Science class and 45 students taking English class. Solution: Here for the given question the ratio is between the number of students taking Science class and the number of students taking English class. The first ratio given is, number of students Science : English = 25 : 75. Simplifying the ratio gives 1 : 3. The second ratio given is, number of students Science : English = 15 : 45 Simplifying the ratio gives 1 : 3. Therefore the two ratios are equivalent. Example 2: Simplify the given ratio 28 : 56 Solution: Here the given ratio is 48 : 96. The fraction form can be written as 48/96. The number 48 can be written as; 28 = 2 * 2 *7. The number 56 can be written as 56 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 7. Canceling the common factors simplifies the fraction to 1/2. Hence the simplified ratio is 1 : 2.

Apply these 5 secret techniques to improve SAT test score

Apply these 5 secret techniques to improve SAT test score 0SHARESShare Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is a preliminary test given to high school students for their entry into higher education. Today, high school students are receiving a lot of counseling to improve their SAT score.   After all, the purpose is to evaluate a student’s readiness for college. But believe me, to get a competitive score is not that difficult. Here, we have revealed 5 secret techniques which are helpful to improve your SAT score: Take a practice test The best way to improve your SAT test score is to practice lots of sample tests. You can download online sample tests free of charge or you can purchase an unmarked copy of the Official SAT Study Guide by paying very nominal charges. You can also go for previous versions of SAT preparation books. These practice tests will make you understand your improvement. Always focus on active reading High school students who are strong readers do better on the reading sections of the test. You need to practice active reading, i.e. reading short articles focusing on a topic. Focus of new words coming across; test your vocabulary and logic of a sentence. Check for basic grammar, pronouns, and sentence structure or readability problem of any word, if any. Leave nothing blank in any multiple choice questions You should never leave any multiple choice question blank in the test. Generally, the one who instinctively guesses the question scores a slight more as compared to the student leaving the choice blank. Also, deductions for wrong answers will hardly affect the score as it gets rounded up. So, believe in your instinct and don’t leave anything blank. Know your math Thoroughly practice entire principles of Algebra and Geometry. You need to practice the main concepts of arithmetic and how to apply these concepts. You should know the correct approach to solve the problems. Unfortunately, if you stuck in any problem then don’t leave it like that. Write whatever you know like you can label the diagrams, plug in numbers. Try to factorize or simplify the given expressions. Try to find hidden patterns in the questions.  Use mature sounding words and phrases Experts suggest that you should always try to exhibit varied, accurate, and skillful use language in your essays. Always note down and review words which you think can be incorporated into your essays. You can also look up and make a list of words that you don’t know. Use words which sounds mature and don’t sound forced. [starbox id=admin]

Is ADHD Genetic

Is ADHD Genetic There is so much discussion online about possible causes of ADHD watching too much TV, eating too much sugar, lax parenting, schools that dont allow for enough creativity or physical activity, etc. Surprisingly, one of least discussed topics is the connection between our genes and ADHD. We know that genes strongly influence our appearance, our intelligence, our athletic ability, and even our personality, so why not ADHD symptoms as well? Decades of research have in fact established that genes play a significant role in the development of ADHD. For parents of kids with ADHD, its probably not surprising to hear that ADHD often runs in families. Most children with ADHD have at least one close relative with the disorder, and one-third of fathers with ADHD have a child who has ADHD themselves. The strongest evidence for the role of genes in the development of ADHD comes from studies of identical twins. Researchers have found that if one twin has ADHD there is a 90% chance that the other twin will have ADHD as well. This is compared to a 25% chance among non-identical siblings. Overall, scientists estimate that ADHD has a heritability factor of .76, meaning that genes are responsible for about 76% of the differences that contribute to the development of ADHD. For comparisons sake, genes are responsible for about 70% of individual differences in IQ, with the remaining 30% being determined by non-genetic factors, like access to high quality early education. As with IQ, whether or not an individual develops ADHD is largely influenced by genetics. However, environmental, or non-genetic, factors also play a role. These factors include exposure to toxins, maternal smoking during pregnancy, and premature birth (among others). If a child is exposed to one or more of these environmental factors, then he or she is at risk for developing ADHD. If a child is exposed to these environmental factors and he or she also carries genes that predispose him or her to ADHD, then his or her likelihood of developing the disorder increases significantly. If we know that genes play an important role in the development of ADHD, is a genetic test available? Many parents ask this question, and why not given that genetic testing exists for many medical disorders and even for ancestry DNA profiles? While scientists can confidently establish a genetic basis for ADHD from twin and family studies, identifying specific genes associated with the disorder is a much more challenging task. ADHD affects multiple parts of the brain and impacts a wide range of cognitive functions. No single gene or chromosomal region is responsible for all ADHD symptoms. Instead, multiple genes make small contributions to the development of the disorder. Researchers have identified a few of these genes already, but they have a long way to go before they have a clear genetic picture of ADHD. So, currently no genetic test for ADHD is available. Despite not yet having a clear understanding of every piece of the ADHD genetic puzzle, researchers are optimistic about where this line of research is headed. In the future, scientists may be able to conduct genetic testing that will measure ADHD susceptibility, even in very young children. This testing would open the door for prevention and early intervention opportunities that could greatly improve the lives of children and families who are at risk. Equally as exciting is the possibility of using precision medicine, which optimizes treatment based on an individuals genetic profile, to tailor ADHD medications and behavioral interventions for each child. This could greatly reduce the amount of trial and error involved in finding the right ADHD medication or the most effective behavioral and cognitive interventions. Understanding that ADHD is strongly influenced by genetics should help parents recognize that they are not to blame for a childs symptoms. There is, however, a great deal that parents can do to help their child manage their ADHD and reach their full potential. In the future, with access to a clear picture of each childs unique ADHD genetic profile, parents, teachers, and healthcare professionals will have the ability to be even more effective with the interventions they use to support children with ADHD. ABOUT DR. MARY ROONEY Mary Rooney, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco. Dr Rooney is a researcher and clinician specializing in the evaluation and treatment of ADHD and co-occurring behavioral, anxiety, and mood disorders. A strong advocate for those with attention and behavior problems, Dr. Rooney is committed to developing and providing comprehensive, cutting edge treatments tailored to meet the unique needs of each child and adolescent. Dr. Rooney's clinical interventions and research avenues emphasize working closely with parents and teachers to create supportive, structured home and school environments that enable children and adolescents to reach their full potential. In addition, Dr. Rooney serves as a consultant and ADHD expert to Huntington Learning Centers. ABOUT HUNTINGTON Huntington Learning Center is the tutoring and test prep leader. Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students of all levels succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntington's mission is to give every student the best education possible. Call us today at 1.800.CAN LEARN to discuss how Huntington can help your child. For franchise opportunities please visit This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The material on this site is provided for educational purposes only.